Telecommunications crime against humanity

The explosion of wireless telecommunications devices over two consecutive days in Lebanon, resulting in the martyrdom of at least 39 people and injury of about 3,500 innocent civilians, demonstrated a new form of crime against humanity committed by the inhumane Zionist regime.
This massacre, conducted in the form of terrorism, involved planting explosives in devices used by various strata of the population and rescue workers for daily tasks.
Apart from the security issues discussed in connection with this crime, we point to the legal aspects of the matter.
According to Article 7 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, ‘a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population in pursuit of or in furtherance of a state or organizational policy constitutes a crime against humanity.
The Israeli regime, to advance its terrorist agenda, had pre-planned and systematically embedded explosives in telecommunications devices and delivered them to Lebanon through intermediaries. At a specific time, technical measures were taken to detonate all of them, leading to this tragedy against civilians.
Under Article 25 of the Rome Statute, individuals who directly or in collaboration with others commit this crime bear criminal responsibility.
Those who ordered, encouraged, aided and abetted or attempted to commit it are also accountable.
Furthermore, those who facilitated, assisted, cooperated, or in any way aided the crime and provided the means for its commission will be prosecuted.
A group of people who, with a common purpose, participated in or attempted to commit the crime in any way are also criminally responsible.
Let us remember that in this war crime, the behavior of the perpetrators was inhumane, and the scale of the massacre, due to the explosions in different locations in Lebanon, the number of victims and wounded, the gender and age of the victims, and the organized nature of the crime targeting civilians, proves the materialistic element of this crime.
The perpetrator’s intentions were also obvious. When such a crime is committed against victims, the perpetrator knowingly and intentionally carries out these actions.
Under Article 314 of Lebanon's Penal Code, any act that creates public fear and utilizes explosive devices, incendiary materials, or contagious and contaminating agents capable of causing a public threat are categorized as acts of terrorism.
What has occurred is a serious threat to the world and global technology, as devices and equipment meant to aid humanity have now become tools of terrorism and crimes, used against people themselves.
It seems that nothing in this world is safe or secure anymore.
Advocates of humanity must take swift action and not allow scenarios we had previously seen in movies to unfold before our eyes, lives and societies, endangering the physical and mental well-being of people.
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